Welcome to the
Cosmetology Academy of America
You are now embarking on the study of cosmetology in one of the finest schools in the country that uses carefully developed curriculums and extensively tested systems. Our proven systems will help you to develop unique skills and acquire the knowledge necessary to become a very successful salon professional.
STARTING NOW you will need to acquire a great deal of specialized knowledge. Starting now, you will need to develop habits of cleanliness, dependability, and responsibility. Starting Now, you will need to practice and practice, and practice every service until you perfect them. You will accomplish these goals by working consistently, acquiring additional knowledge and skills every day.
Every day is very important to you. To miss one day is to miss an opportunity to learn, to grow, to improve and to perfect YOUR skills. Remember, too, because you must acquire the necessary hours, each day missed means one more day added before you can complete your program.
COSMETOLOGY ACADEMY OF AMERICA is prepared to help you achieve every career goal you have set for yourself.
- To complete your educational program in the shortest time possible (by coming to school regularly).
- To become one of the best salon professionals possible.
Now Remember the more you apply yourself and LEARN while in school, the more you will be able to EARN in your professional career.
Each teacher at COSMETOLOGY ACADEMY OF AMERICA will offer you their very best in the knowledge they give you, the skills they help you achieve, and the professional attitudes they exemplify for you. All of this will help you to develop into a well-trained salon professional.
If you do your very best, every day, success and personal satisfaction will surely be yours in this most challenging and interesting profession.
When you complete your training program, you’ll need to take and pass the STATE OF GEORGIA PROFESSIONAL REGULATIONS LICENSURE EXAMINATION.
You can be guaranteed to pass the examination with high scores by being diligent in your study of theory and the careful execution of every service you perform day by day Starting Now.